I have talked about 3 main genres in film, romance, mystery, and action. Each one is very popular today in film, and in my personal list of favorite genres. For my film I will be mostly focused on mystery. The mystery surrounding my film is the main characters paranoia. Finding the difference between what is real and what the main character is overthinking makes it a mystery. Personally, if I had to narrow it down action is my favorite genre. Although it is my favorite, it would be a lot of extra work to make it my film. So, I went with the genre of mystery. My film being about mystery is a lot more doable given it’s just me in my group. Along with this, mystery is my second favorite genre. Usually, a film under the genre of mystery leads to an answer. For my film, the answer will not be given. The “answer” will be up to the viewer to determine whether the main character is simply making all of this up in his head. I think doing this will give my film even more of a mystery ...