Group Blog

 I am working with a group of friends, Lance and Kevin. I am working with Lance because he is a friend of mine from culinary. Since having culinary with him last year, we became really close, at some points we have even hung out after school. Lance and I have bonded over many things, but one of the main bonds we hold is over working out . He has been working out for around 2 years consistently, and 6 months working out with weights. For our music video we are thinking about incorporating our love for working out. Us bonding over working out makes Kevin the perfect third person for our group. Kevin works out quite a lot, he has been working out for about a year and a half. Having the 3 of us being avid weight lifters will massively benefit our video. What will really make the video really interesting is incorporating our different ways of working out. Many people that don't often lift weights don't know the different ways to weight lifting, this can come in the form of higher volume, higher weights, or higher frequency. These different ways of working out all have to do with repetition ranges and sets, this for example can come in the form of doing 10 repetitions of dumbbell curls for 5 sets. 

Along with incorporating our specific methods to working out, we will have to incorporate each others routine. The routine of an individual has to do with the different exercises done for the different muscle groups. Integrating these different routines and methods will be important to having a video that shows us in sync. In terms of the actual production of the film, most of it will take place at a gym.Given my ability to drive, I will facilitate the transportation to the gym. The clips we will produce will be us lifting weights, in the coming days we will have to narrow down the exact exercises we will use for the clips. As of recording the clips of us exercising, we will either set up a phone or have one of us film the others.  When it comes to editing and overlaying the music, we will probably do it from the phone itself. Doing so will probably require installing an app made for editing, or we can use a computer. 


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