Production Blog
Having the blueprint for our music video makes the filming that much easier. As a group, we decided that we will individually film our beginning scenes. These scenes include us waking up, making the food/protein shake, and the one scene of me driving to Lance's house. As of now I have not actually met up with Lance and Kevin yet, so the scene of me driving has yet to be filmed. That being said, I have filmed me waking up and me making food. To make sure the group is on the same page, I made sure the group is caught up with me on their filming.
The main obstacles holding us back from getting the gym scenes filmed is working all of our schedules together. A lot of the days Lance is available usually includes weekends, which don't work for Kevin and I. The days during the week that Kevin is available, I am not, so that makes it hard to plan the transport. To make sure we reach the deadline I have made sure that we have done all we could individually. Since we have not been able to film our group scenes, I have taken the initiative to decide on our gym location.
Along with the setting and location I have narrowed down days we could meet. Our plan as of now is to make a weekend day work. Doing the project on a weekend would give us the most flexibility and still give us a week till the deadline. This gives us a week to edit our clips together and overlay the songs. Another way I have been being proactive is planning the order of our clips and scenes.
Besides the obvious, the clips will be mostly in chronological order. But the order will vary when it comes to the workouts itself. For example, chronologically we may do the workouts starting with Kevin then me and then Lance. My idea is that instead of this we film Lance first, me and then Kevin. Having the workouts in this order for the video will more closely align with the music.
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