
 At certain points I never thought I would be able to say it, but finally, MY COMMERCIAL is FINISHED. After all the long hours of planning, filming, editing, it is done. In all honesty, having a project like this so early In the year caught me off guard. I wasn't prepared for the nights where you barely sleep because of the amount of work, this early in the school year. On the flip side, having this done has put my mindset back into that of school. Having a deadline with multiple blogs due at different dates was also a wakeup call. When writing the blogs, I never mentioned it, but a lot of the times the writing was more tiring than half the other work. To have to not only do the actual assignment but then to write extensively on it was the perfect combination for me to become tired of the assignment. The main thing I am absolutely proud about is the fact I kept up with the deadline, that was my first concern when learning about the assignment.  In the past, deadlines were always something I felt I could've done better on, so the fact I did it on time gives me pride.

In terms of my actual commercial, I felt overall I did well. I put all my clips together, had a song, and had the blogs to go with it. This doesn't go without saying that I still could've done better. Throughout the blogs and filming, I was in and out of school. Not being present due to external reasons really hindered my ability to create the commercial I know I could have. To give a better idea on what I could have done better, I'll go in depth. One thing I could have improved on was the filming, instead of filming it myself like I did I should have had someone film me. Having someone film me would have made my commercial look more cinematic and professional. Another downfall to my commercial was the fact the clips weren't as planned as I would have liked them to be. Given that the original clips were deleted, I had to rush through my production, causing it to look less professional. With all of these critiques in mind, I still felt I completed the assignment and did it in a way that was impressive. 


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